So as many know, I'm a Mormon. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of requirement for all Mormons to attend Utah (just kidding), but I've never been! That is until this past Friday when I traveled to Salt Lake City. This was also my first time to see mountains. (What kind of person has never seen mountains. this kind) but let me tell you kids they are, amazing! Although i have to remind myself that they're going to be there because i come out of a store, forget I'm in Utah and get freaked out all over again when I see a mountain.
I also went to temple square on New Years eve! The lights were still up-so beautiful. I can't believe how long it took for all the pioneers to build something so beautiful.The visitors center was as well. Spent the rest of the night with my Parents best friends. They helped take care of me as a baby and now are helping me when I'm off to college. Crazy huh?
Dad seemed to like the Joseph Smith memorial building. except he wants to live there.....
It was even uncommonly mild when we were there. Over all I'll say Utah ain't half bad. Aside from the church building every 3 blocks thing...still kinda freaks me out a tad.
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