Shaunessy's Graduation

So now that Shaunessy has already started college I guess I should post her high school graduation pictures ;) To be fair, after my hard drive crashed I had a million and 2 things to do so these have been edited just not posted! Shaunessy's graduation was at the beginning of this summer and we had driven from Texas to Washington to see our families and her graduation! ( How was that drive you ask? Long. VERY LONG. 3 days on the way there and 2 on the way back. Chase is like  a super human driving robot.) PS how cute is this board that McKae put together?
I was really hoping to post more pictures than this....but blogstomp and I are getting to know each other and it keeps telling me I have too many pictures in one email. It's very unfortunate (but maybe fortunate for you, because you have less pictures to go through! ) We started off with a little pre-graduation party. Food, friends and family: the only things you really need! Danielle made homemade eggs rolls and they were AMAZING. I had far too many. 

So Shaunessy's graduation was a super new and fun experience for me because as many of you know I did not grow up in a small town. Small town things are always new to me and blow my mind in their various traditions and such. For starters, they walked down the football field. What?! How fun is that? No rented stadiums? Crazy! And they were allowed to decorate their caps. Yay creativity! 
We all sat on the concrete bleachers (is that what they call them? Chase isn't around for me to ask, so that's what I'm going to call them) and took some pictures afterwards. Then they have a after graduation lock in party sort of situation so we said "seee yaaaaa girl!" and walked back to the house. Walked. With our feet. And it took like 5 minutes. *BBWWSSHHHH* That was my mind being blown at the idea that you can walk home from a graduation. onomatopoeia's yo.
Grandma Chase is just as cute as can be. She doesn't always remember everyone she hugs, but she still hugs them anyways. That's a loving woman right there. 

 It's such a blast to get together with family! It makes me wish we lived closer.
Shaunessy started school this fall at Utah State and (from what I can tell) loves it so far! So excited for all her new adventures and here's to hoping we get together again soon!
More pictures will be up on Facebook soon!

1 comment

  1. What a well-planned graduation event! I will definitely join my friends to a carnival fest at one of the well known Los Angeles event venues next week. It is a gala event with beautiful shopping and eatable stalls. So many ads and banners everywhere are quite appealing.
