Wonderful World

So I've decided everyonce in a while to list some things im grateful for. not everything, just some random things here and there that I probably take for granted. I decided to pick day because i felt pretty crappy about a lot of things and I tend to slip into pessimism, but hey, I'm workin on it. 

Things I love Today:
- Heat indoors
-When things go off without a hitch
-Lazy days
-My little black car
-Preparing for college (bittersweet)
-Getting letters from friends on missions!
-My doggie Chico
-Christmas break! 
So those are just some random things for today! I'll be working on how to make this better. Oh and heres a niffty quote for y'all- "He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." - Epictetus

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