This is fine arts, not crap on a shingle

What am i missing today? I will tell you. My Plano Senior High School Choir family. I miss the music, the work, the feeling, the people,the most amazing high school choir on planet the earth(biased? no...) I miss everything about that choir. Those things you really take for granted until theyre gone.
I'd never trade those days i could stand in front of that choir- take attendance as secretary and see everyone talking with their friends. Now we're all over the country, and some of us don't sing in choirs anymore. I'd never trade those days.Do I get a little sappy sometimes? why yes, yes I do. Am I ashamed? Not really. 
Music is forever, family is forever. Oh, how I miss ya'll- I think I always will.

Black friday, Black friday
and some Christmas!

So mom and I decided to go to black friday on, well, black friday. I'm a pro at staying awake so I had no problems. Mom...was another story. Found a delicious soap place called "lush". I'm a fan. But I'm a beauty product fan so what can i say?

All in all a good week-glad thanksgiving is over and the Christmas starts! makes my heart melt. And my visiting teacher courtney brought me some beautiful cupcakes-Looks like the holidays, and I for one, am excited.

Hey Y'all! I'm Jovanna!

Joe-vah-nah Ray-ah 
Just in case you were curious... ;) 
Jovanna Rhea De La Peña Joyner, in fact: 
hence J squared.
I started this blog right after graduating high school, as a way to keep my friends and family in the loop when I moved out west. Through the years I've been here and there about keeping up with my blog, but I love the freedom it gives me to journal online, with images. 

A few things about me:
- Living in Dallas, TX and loving it.
- Married to my BFF, Chase.
- I'm a total dog mom. My babes name is Winston.
- I'm also a little bit of a crazy plant lady.
- I'm a natural light photographer. I mainly shoot with couples. 
- Sometimes I do some freelance makeup.
- I believe that staying up late, vanilla ice cream and handwritten notes all have at least one thing in common; they're underrated.

If you like LOTS of pictures, bad spelling, subpar grammar and sporadic posting then you have come to the right place. Welcome to my blog!