Dog Stalking & Other Confessions

I've decided to make this a reoccurring post thing. Just cause. My first one was HERE, if you're curious as to what this biz is all about. (below is one of the greatest dog gifs of all time.)

So here we go
1. I dog stalk. As in, if you have pictures of your dog anywhere, I will look at them all. If you are walking on the street with a dog, I will stop everything and try to pet your dog without awkwardly asking if I can pet your dog. If it's not obvious enough, I really really really want a dog. 

2. I watch criminal minds almost every day. (wait. maybe I don't want to admit that..) Dr. Reid is basically responsible for solving every case and if you don't think so, I'm not sure we can be friends..

3. Chase and I quote this video all the time now. " Thats funny. I've never heard of a George Glass at our sküle"

4. If I could, I would have a jamba juice 

5. I love to celebrate everything. I did valentines week instead of valentines day. Leslie Knope is with me on this one.

6. Hearing that Oklahoma is trying to ban AP US history fills me with such sadness I cannot even express. If I did, it might be the equivalent of having it snow every day of your Hawaiian vacation. (I am aware this doesn't happen. but imagine the sadness.) 

5. As much as it pains me to say it, I think I'm side taylor in the taylor swift/katy perry fight. It's a real thing...apparently. But more importantly, I am always side LEFT SHARK.

6. When we go to Washington next month I really hope Chase let's me hangout with these bronze animals in his hometown. I mean, look at them. (side note, I'm stoked both of our families live in Washington state now)
7. I have already bought 2 boxes of french toast crunch since it's come back. I regret nothing. 

8. I really don't know why women fight with each other about whether or not they should wear makeup... but that could seriously be it's own post. 

9. I love snoop dogg. (snoop lion) I mean don't ask me why, I just do. 

10. I want breakfast food all the time. Side note, why doesn't mcdonalds sell their breakfast all day? It's like they're purposely torturing me (orrrr preventing me from being 5000 lbs. matter of opinion)
I don't think this could have ended more perfectly. Ron Swanson bacon gif. The end. 


  1. UGH! My comments are working so hopefully you haven't gotten a zillion comments from me. Let's try again.

    I love these confessions sincerely so much. The George Glass thing is so on point. Also yessss about the french toast crunch thing. Also I love Snoop Dogg. I have his Snoop Lion vinyl framed in my living room so...

    1. YES. So much yes. Anyone who appreciates snoop lion knows whats good. Also, Apparently my comments are all janked up sooooo I should probably learn how to fix that...
